Affiliate Program



Cookie Tracking - 60 days

Hype IT

Affiliate program: HYPE - financeAds

HYPE revolutionizes money management, making it easy, smart and costless, through a mobile app with innovative functions and a prepaid Mastercard with really unique conditions.
To register and start using HYPE you just need a few minutes, you don’t need to send any paper documents and the whole process is online. After the activation, it’s immediately possible to use the new account and the new IBAN, while the card will arrive home in a few days, totally cost-free. For all information regarding the products, we invite you to visit the offer section on the website.

Current promotions:

  • Welcome bonus of 5€, 20 € or 25€ for users underwriting a Hype, Next, or Premium product respectively, using the promo code CIAOHYPER
  • Welcome bonus of 20 € for users underwriting a Hype Business product, using the promo code HYPEBIZ

HYPE affiliation program conditions:

Before applying to the campaign, please check the conditions below:

  • Countries: Italy
  • Approval time: Real time approval, Hype approves automatically when the users log in the app.
  • Tracking: HYPE affiliate program remunerates the subscription to a plan. It is possible to promote four types of HYPE plans: Hype, Next, Premium and Business. Commissions will vary based on the plan subscribed to by the customer. The sale will be recognized when the user, after completing the entire funnel, logs in to the app.
  • Restrictions: SEA activity on brand keywords and their misspelled versions is forbidden. Social posts and prelandings have to be sent to the Account Manager of the program for approval before publishing them.

Promotional channels allowed:

The following are all the promotional channels allowed on HYPE affiliation program:

  • Comparators
  • Blogs and websites dedicated to reviews
  • SEA
  • Emailing
  • Social Media
  • Display
  • Deals and vouchers
  • Cashback

We offer exclusive partnerships and premium commissions